Or run summoning build with bullet damage up and exploding bulelts with the crossbow and just stand there watch the fireworks. I didn't even have to run to survive, and got over 4k enemy kills. The only non-running way I've yet found to survive, with the downside that it lags the game at the end because you're spawning so much gold and so many bullets.
I just ran around shooting in it's general direction until it died, you're in no rush since by that point you should have enough summon dps to easily hold off everything else
once i was doing all of the multi-shot upgrades and the rage totem and the shotgun and then i died because i was at one health and ran into the guy i was shooting with a million bullets because my damage was that low
I honestly really like this. I didn't understand it at first, but once i got the hang of it it became a really fun game to play in my spare time. The demo feels really full, and it has more content than other demos I've tried. The gameplay is also very intuitive and somewhat simple. You just need to move and shoot. And my favorite part, the graphics are absolutely beautiful for a game with a pixel art style. Definitely worth trying. Also, a tip for new players that I only found out later on in the game: when you kill enemies, you will only gain level progression if you pick up the little dot that drops after you defeat them. You will automatically pick this up if you are close enough. Also, you don't have to shoot all the time. You move much slower while shooting.
Please return 10 Minutes Till Dawn back to Steam! It serves as a great showcase for the game. You can install it on Steam and try it offline. It makes no sense to limit the installation of 10 Minutes Till Dawn on Steam!
I think you are supposed to avoid loosing health...
But yeah, there are some issues with balancing yet (this is an early acces of a demo), but if you keep in mind the updates are supposed to be used in 20-minute runs, and you get a lot more updates active at the same time, they make much more sense.
If you are going for a burn build, you are probably going for attack speed or more bollets to try to inflict it as much as possible, so sometimes it can get triggered once per minute.
If you have, lets say, more than 9 minutes left when you get te second one, you wolud heal 6 times in total in the whole run.
My guy, you've left like 5 offensive comments on this page, and many others, even lashing out at people who go through a logical conclusion (which may or may not be my fate)
Chill out, the person/people that made this game made art, coded it, had a vision, and made a fricken steam page with content, and are probably making a profit off their hard work.
Yet you, calling people "fucking retards", and "fucking stupid" sitting in the comment section, worthless, maybe doing something that makes you happy, great, but just saying its kind of sad ya gotta be like that man :/
well, at least you read my flawed retort :), but what do you gain from this lol, just insulting some random person on the internet, and getting a random response.
Uii, i think you just have zero clue of how the Game works.
Its like Vampire Survivor just better and if its not your Game then go flame in another Minecraft Forum again and dont waste our time with not relevant and not productiv "critic".
Talking about people dont get if they are stupid... said the one who just dont even get that they are to bad and stupid to understand how to play this game. and its not even complicated. kek su**er
the thing about the game is that its a bullet hell. you are supposed to not take damage. your damage is supposed to be very permanent, so just the fact there are healing abilities are lucky lol.
and also try to not use the word "retart", it's looked in a similar light as the n-word now.
Sebine, if you really think this is a major problem, you can join the discord server and say what you think needs to be fixed instead of yalling into the void: https://discord.gg/TTzQbcYp
never had a problem with that. if iam on 1 hp and get that item i mostly got weapons already to just heal me in 1 min for 2 hp. Attack speed with lightnings every hit is just nice for that. so 60bullets in 10 sec but with getting 3 bullets back or 33% without bullet consum while standing still. TL;DR No Ammo use and huge Attackspeed is sick af if you are too bad and get hit all time to heal yourself.
I survived 7 minutes without firing a bullet! I accomplished this using Hina, who can create shadow clones, and Crossbow, which deals the most damage in Ten Minutes Till' Dawn.
why don't you want to download steam? it's super good! it does many thing much better than epic. tbh, the only reason i like epic is because of the weekly free games. else i always try to check if the game is on steam.
I like steam, but i can't buy anything from it now, because i am from russia, so i don't have many games there. On the other side whole my lirbrary is in GOG and epic, which took me from pirating to legal buyings. I can buy things in epic now, but i can't is steam. Btw nice avatar!
Of cource i have vpn, but i also need to do many things to get a foreign credit card. Maybe later i will go to steam, but i have a huge backlog in epic and gog. Thank you.
The menu song sounds like that of a baking show lol
jokes aside, I like this game. It kicks your butt, but by almost no means does it seem unfair. just you and the unstoppable horde to keep the player company.
Nice game, one of the funniest shmups in this site. I only played this demo, but let me give some feedback.
I play these kinds of casual games when Im busy multitasking or waiting for some other shit irl, so it would be nice to add a pause button even if it would turn the screen black for the duration of the pause.
Nice aesthethics and music, no complaints. Maybe in the endgame you could use a different sprite for the high hp monsters, but whatever. Right now there is less variety but it also adds to the feeling of slowly getting swarmed so its fine.
It would be nice to see which upgrades we have picked so far in the upgrade screen, theres room for them to show on one side of the screen like it happens when they kill you.
Fresh clip and Quick hands have a very similar icon, which can mislead players that are not paying too much attention.
You can get hit just after choosing an upgrade which is bullshit.
The trees are basically unkillable unless you get a freeze build. If you want to give more options to other builds Id reduce their hp so players can interact with them more often.
Hitboxes seem more or less accurate which will always feel cheap in this genre. The fact that one of my hairs or the left pinky toe barely grazed the tip of the head of one of the monsters doesnt seem like reason enough to take damage. There is also a bunch of fat people that play these games to unwarrantedly think they are skilled and ur ruining the experience for them.
Diamond seems a bit more powerful than the other chars. 6 base health trivializes runs and is way too much when other characters start with 2. She doesnt have any drawbacks either. Id give 1 extra hp to the other chars to compensate.
There is no build in which you wouldnt want to pick the movespeed talents, specifically the one that gives you +100 walking speed and the previous one. They give too much of a powerspike compared to other talents, and they are basically necessary to beat the game. As it is, its just a two level tax that also forces you to rely on rng, so id buff the base movespeed a bit and nerf the talents somewhat.
Because mobility is so valuable, the talent that gives you free ammo for standing still is pretty much useless, specially considering you can already pull off nearly infinite magazines with instant reloads if you pick the right combination of level ups, which would also still allow you to move. The bonus dmg on the crossbow for standing still is also useless past the early game.
In my limited knowledge of this game, but after spending some time trying different things, some builds look so overpowered compared to others. PierceSpreadFreeze can clear entire screens in a few shots and SpeedyBurningRegeneration is basically unkillable with a decent dodging skill. In contrast other builds (most other builds in fact) like for example ClipsizeFirerateLightning, which should be a thing considering the ammount of synergies there are available, dont have enough durability nor damage to reliably survive the last 2 minutes of the run.
Even tho the game is flawed its also fun so even after beating it with the aforementioned broken builds imma keep experimenting a bit. GG easy.
Very cool game! Nicely done! Sucked me in for about 3 hours right away. The only complaint for now: it seemed to me that shotgun is a bit OP compared to other weapons. With it I beaten the game more or less okay, then made many attempts with flame cannon - no success.
In my opinion, different weapons are supposed to be different playstyles, so it is completely fine to prefer a certain weapon, but also consider analyzing the other weapons and what upgrades are best for them, for example, the flame cannon doesn't need bullet damage so you can take upgrades that sacrifice bullet damage for massive boosts (e.g. double shot), and splinter makes the whole horde into a very accurate metaphor for a nuclear bomb, and if you take the pyro mage path all the way, you will heal occasionally when you burn them (you'll be burning them a whole heck of a lot).
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One of my favorite games of all time. Had to buy it on Steam. Thank you!
ESTÁ BIEN CHIDOOOOO, (ya lo compré en Steam)
Outstanding work, especially love the artwork and music.
why does it auto full screen constantly i hate that every round or randomly menuing
finally i finished this game!
you may want to run when needed... like... forever
Or run summoning build with bullet damage up and exploding bulelts with the crossbow and just stand there watch the fireworks. I didn't even have to run to survive, and got over 4k enemy kills. The only non-running way I've yet found to survive, with the downside that it lags the game at the end because you're spawning so much gold and so many bullets.
wb about the dashing boss? Need a focused damage build. Its was so hard for me
I just ran around shooting in it's general direction until it died, you're in no rush since by that point you should have enough summon dps to easily hold off everything else
I gotta try this summoner build sometime
I tried that, and it went extremely well. But then I ran into a horde like an idiot and the scythe wasn't there to save me :(
once i was doing all of the multi-shot upgrades and the rage totem and the shotgun and then i died because i was at one health and ran into the guy i was shooting with a million bullets because my damage was that low
I had a lot of fun!
I honestly really like this. I didn't understand it at first, but once i got the hang of it it became a really fun game to play in my spare time. The demo feels really full, and it has more content than other demos I've tried. The gameplay is also very intuitive and somewhat simple. You just need to move and shoot. And my favorite part, the graphics are absolutely beautiful for a game with a pixel art style. Definitely worth trying. Also, a tip for new players that I only found out later on in the game: when you kill enemies, you will only gain level progression if you pick up the little dot that drops after you defeat them. You will automatically pick this up if you are close enough. Also, you don't have to shoot all the time. You move much slower while shooting.
Me whenever I see the Powerful Bullets upgrades: *breathes in* NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A-
Please return 10 Minutes Till Dawn back to Steam! It serves as a great showcase for the game. You can install it on Steam and try it offline. It makes no sense to limit the installation of 10 Minutes Till Dawn on Steam!
man the full game seems like it was dev'd by a fucking retard
2 heal skills in game, both are shit
3 heal skills in upgrades but you only get 1 upgrade skill per rank
When you inflict Burn, there is a 0.05% chance to heal you for 1 HP.
Heal 1 HP every 90 seconds.
I think you are supposed to avoid loosing health...
But yeah, there are some issues with balancing yet (this is an early acces of a demo), but if you keep in mind the updates are supposed to be used in 20-minute runs, and you get a lot more updates active at the same time, they make much more sense.
If you are going for a burn build, you are probably going for attack speed or more bollets to try to inflict it as much as possible, so sometimes it can get triggered once per minute.
If you have, lets say, more than 9 minutes left when you get te second one, you wolud heal 6 times in total in the whole run.
Do your math, you donkey
Have you considered suicide?
If not, I highly recommend you try it.
My guy, you've left like 5 offensive comments on this page, and many others, even lashing out at people who go through a logical conclusion (which may or may not be my fate)
Chill out, the person/people that made this game made art, coded it, had a vision, and made a fricken steam page with content, and are probably making a profit off their hard work.
Yet you, calling people "fucking retards", and "fucking stupid" sitting in the comment section, worthless, maybe doing something that makes you happy, great, but just saying its kind of sad ya gotta be like that man :/
TLDR; chill out lol :)
Calling retarded pieces of shit retarded pieces of shit makes me very happy.
Stupid people should know they are stupid.
This game is shit. The dev is a fucking retard.
"Oh he's making money" Wow I didn't realize that was a metric of intelligence, so sorry, you retarded shitape.
Oh wait, it's fucking not.
Jesus.....I expect this from twitter but here? Did not expect it at all....
well, at least you read my flawed retort :), but what do you gain from this lol, just insulting some random person on the internet, and getting a random response.
also you forgot: chill out lol
listle up ya lil' dipshit. you're just jealouls 'cause you will never be able to make a game this good.
Uii, i think you just have zero clue of how the Game works.
Its like Vampire Survivor just better and if its not your Game then go flame in another Minecraft Forum again and dont waste our time with not relevant and not productiv "critic".
Talking about people dont get if they are stupid... said the one who just dont even get that they are to bad and stupid to understand how to play this game. and its not even complicated. kek su**er
If i would be in a room with you, Hitler and Bin Laden. And i would have only 1 Pistol with 2 Bullets. I would shoot you twice.
lol bad at game so cries get a grip
the thing about the game is that its a bullet hell. you are supposed to not take damage. your damage is supposed to be very permanent, so just the fact there are healing abilities are lucky lol.
and also try to not use the word "retart", it's looked in a similar light as the n-word now.
what are you supposed to get five the point is that the more you level up you get stronger by one you're the dumass
its 10 minute survival. it would be too easy otherwise
Or you could just use flamethrower dumbass. Infinite heals
Ah yes, a twitter user
music is very nice and game too! good luck with the development!
frozen enemies can still hit you
Yeah the devs a bit of a fucking retard.
yeah except getting healing is fucking impossible.
you fucking idiot. the thing is that you aren't supposed to get hit. plus it's a new game, so it's balancing is naturaly not perfect.
learn to dodge in a bullet hell or just cope fucking asshole.
Sebine, if you really think this is a major problem, you can join the discord server and say what you think needs to be fixed instead of yalling into the void: https://discord.gg/TTzQbcYp
never had a problem with that. if iam on 1 hp and get that item i mostly got weapons already to just heal me in 1 min for 2 hp. Attack speed with lightnings every hit is just nice for that. so 60bullets in 10 sec but with getting 3 bullets back or 33% without bullet consum while standing still. TL;DR No Ammo use and huge Attackspeed is sick af if you are too bad and get hit all time to heal yourself.
how would you save everything cause I made a account and it saved nothing
I survived 7 minutes without firing a bullet!
I accomplished this using Hina, who can create shadow clones, and Crossbow, which deals the most damage in Ten Minutes Till' Dawn.
No the full version weapons do LOL
The full version is 20 Minutes Till Dawn, I said 10 Minutes Till Dawn.
damn thats quite the achievement there buddy!! congrats!!! thats awesomee!!
will the full version of this game (20min version) be implemented on to Mac as well?
asked by some one who never made through the beta
Try The Pirate Bay.
they're an indie dev and the game is 3 dollars. if you cant afford a game about the price of a bag of chips, maybe you need to go get a job.
Would it be full version for itch or epic? I don't want to download steam.
why don't you want to download steam? it's super good! it does many thing much better than epic. tbh, the only reason i like epic is because of the weekly free games. else i always try to check if the game is on steam.
I like steam, but i can't buy anything from it now, because i am from russia, so i don't have many games there. On the other side whole my lirbrary is in GOG and epic, which took me from pirating to legal buyings. I can buy things in epic now, but i can't is steam. Btw nice avatar!
use a vpn? i know there are many free vpn's that work just fine, so i reccomend a vpn if you haven't tried already.
Of cource i have vpn, but i also need to do many things to get a foreign credit card. Maybe later i will go to steam, but i have a huge backlog in epic and gog. Thank you.
This game is very impressive!
20 Minute Till Dawn
Is such amazing game with beautiful pixel art and top notch music, i love every single aspect of it.
Good luck player and survive
Game review :
The menu song sounds like that of a baking show lol
jokes aside, I like this game. It kicks your butt, but by almost no means does it seem unfair. just you and the unstoppable horde to keep the player company.
I am excited to see what is next for this game.
Dude I love the menu song lol
Nice game, one of the funniest shmups in this site. I only played this demo, but let me give some feedback.
I play these kinds of casual games when Im busy multitasking or waiting for some other shit irl, so it would be nice to add a pause button even if it would turn the screen black for the duration of the pause.
Nice aesthethics and music, no complaints. Maybe in the endgame you could use a different sprite for the high hp monsters, but whatever. Right now there is less variety but it also adds to the feeling of slowly getting swarmed so its fine.
It would be nice to see which upgrades we have picked so far in the upgrade screen, theres room for them to show on one side of the screen like it happens when they kill you.
Fresh clip and Quick hands have a very similar icon, which can mislead players that are not paying too much attention.
You can get hit just after choosing an upgrade which is bullshit.
The trees are basically unkillable unless you get a freeze build. If you want to give more options to other builds Id reduce their hp so players can interact with them more often.
Hitboxes seem more or less accurate which will always feel cheap in this genre. The fact that one of my hairs or the left pinky toe barely grazed the tip of the head of one of the monsters doesnt seem like reason enough to take damage. There is also a bunch of fat people that play these games to unwarrantedly think they are skilled and ur ruining the experience for them.
Diamond seems a bit more powerful than the other chars. 6 base health trivializes runs and is way too much when other characters start with 2. She doesnt have any drawbacks either. Id give 1 extra hp to the other chars to compensate.
There is no build in which you wouldnt want to pick the movespeed talents, specifically the one that gives you +100 walking speed and the previous one. They give too much of a powerspike compared to other talents, and they are basically necessary to beat the game. As it is, its just a two level tax that also forces you to rely on rng, so id buff the base movespeed a bit and nerf the talents somewhat.
Because mobility is so valuable, the talent that gives you free ammo for standing still is pretty much useless, specially considering you can already pull off nearly infinite magazines with instant reloads if you pick the right combination of level ups, which would also still allow you to move. The bonus dmg on the crossbow for standing still is also useless past the early game.
In my limited knowledge of this game, but after spending some time trying different things, some builds look so overpowered compared to others. PierceSpreadFreeze can clear entire screens in a few shots and SpeedyBurningRegeneration is basically unkillable with a decent dodging skill. In contrast other builds (most other builds in fact) like for example ClipsizeFirerateLightning, which should be a thing considering the ammount of synergies there are available, dont have enough durability nor damage to reliably survive the last 2 minutes of the run.
Even tho the game is flawed its also fun so even after beating it with the aforementioned broken builds imma keep experimenting a bit. GG easy.
Overall, I think it's a great game, but I would agree that SpeedyBurningRegeneration is overpowered.
Great game!
it seems like summons are imbalanced - you don't need a weapon with few jaggers, scythe and ghost)
Please check your spellings
Normally, I don't believe in violence, unless it looks this cool. B{)
This game is heroin!
Nice game!
Very cool game! Nicely done! Sucked me in for about 3 hours right away.
The only complaint for now: it seemed to me that shotgun is a bit OP compared to other weapons. With it I beaten the game more or less okay, then made many attempts with flame cannon - no success.
Depends on how you play it! For me the flame cannon was the most powerful weapon. I also agree with you this game is truly amazing!
Yeah dude, the flame cannon with Scarlet and burn+firerate upgrades just gets so OP, especially with the piercing upgrade
In my opinion, different weapons are supposed to be different playstyles, so it is completely fine to prefer a certain weapon, but also consider analyzing the other weapons and what upgrades are best for them, for example, the flame cannon doesn't need bullet damage so you can take upgrades that sacrifice bullet damage for massive boosts (e.g. double shot), and splinter makes the whole horde into a very accurate metaphor for a nuclear bomb, and if you take the pyro mage path all the way, you will heal occasionally when you burn them (you'll be burning them a whole heck of a lot).
It is one of the greatest indie games, I've ever played! Like
Nice pixel art and gameplay. Loved it
Thanks for the free game, pumpkin.
The last 2 minutes went by so smooth when i got splinter to match everything else together. It was beautiful T-T
I won by running in a line but is there a boss after the charging one because I didn't see one?
no thats the last one
Are there more upgrades in the full game?
i made a account just to say this game is amazing
I ended this cool game, but I still have a question : ARE THE TREES IMMORTAL ???????
they are killable, they just have thousands of HP
Really ????
no i managed to kill 1 with a loadut its hard to kill them tho
first run i threaded the needle with enemies and survived till there were 2 boss dudes and then the dog demon boss murdered me
yeah that happens a lot