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i did it... i won a flamethrower game without splinter or rubber bullets i feel so powerful

first get your hands on as much hp as you can diamond and shana do fine then unlock the entire multi shot and pyromancer  upgrade trees after this you can go for hp and speed upgrades for overall defence but also to unlock rage and run and gun dont take the gigantism upgrade until late game  when this build is fully online

finally take the tome of power not the tome of rage percing is better for spreading fire than fire rate and you need the knock back 

if you do everything right you should be able to face tank the entire game good luck

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Most OP builds I've made:

- Scythe + Summons + Bullet Damage + Shard + Burn. This basically let you untouchable and kill enemies at kilometers of distance.

- Crossbow + Piercing + Shot 10 bullets at reload + Ice ability. This will frost every enemy and will let you untouchable as well  

- Flamethrower + Lady Lady + Every burn ability + Ricochet bullets.  This is not the overall OP, but you can kill bosses in seconds and  also it's possible to kill trees for fun.

This pic I've taken using Scythe build:

ooh 40 seconds left and died

that happens a lo

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to easy 

and full version is crazy to


finally beat this

use scarlett with the flame cannon and try to get soothing warmth

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i lasted to 1 minute and 6 secs left at lvl 12 with diamond and crossbow. It was very fun! (but my pc can say otherwise...)

Used Diamond + crossbow. Great game 9/10!

I played it at an insanely low resolution. I couldn't read small text or see what upgrades I had until the end. here are two screenshots. One is how I saw it, the other is what it was. This is only the end, but it was hard because of this :)

Those are the pictures. The first is what it is, the second is what I saw.


yo i beat the game in ten minutes. thats gotta be a new speed run record!!!!!!!!!



can you make it so that hina's dash goes through enemys? kinda like shade cloak in hollow knight. Great game also! I used Hina, crossbow, and the big bullet thing. It is one shot same with the shade. plz add the dash thing tho...

very fun game. survived using burn heal + piercing or something. definitely will buy on steam!


No option to change control is just a big no from me .
I'm left handed and so move using my right hand but in your game it is impossible as you impose wasd, maybe it isn't the case on the main game but  a demo should be showing what a game has to offer so I'll assume the game don't have any option for players like me to play .
You could at least have allowed moving from the arrow keys.

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Used the Fire Cannon and the Fire Lady. Abused Fire and this is as far as I got.

sadly couldn't get as much levels, but holly guackamolly, abusing fire works so well! especial with splinter and burn heal. The enemys die and shoot out fire bullets causing other enemys to burn and die causing etc etc etc and the enemys exploding in burn counts, so, you can just run around and the instant you get hit you heal!

Bought this game on Steam. Amazing game man!


I beat it with just Shana and Revolver. I feel powerful.


I just died with 18 seconds remaining. Victory is so close, and yet, so far...

i feel you i made it to 14 seconds i try to run

Interesting game, but I am too slow. My record is 3:34.


For some reason, it started giving me powerups which I didn't choose. In my last attempt, it gave me the "Giant" powerup, which I did not choose, and it completely ruined the run. I'm used to running around quickly, so it really threw me off. Other than that, though, it's a good game. 7.5/10.

the a and d key changes what levelup you select so that could have been it i've accidentally did that and messed up a run but never just randomly

This might've been what happened. I never realised that the keys changed the powerup selection, I thought you just had to use the mouse. Thank you for letting me know.

Same, I was going to comment this.

I believe maybe is not a bug but a UI design flaw, I hope they fix it.


Really good game! I Just bought it on Steam.


Awesome game! Would definitely recommend it.

khó vã

Survived 9:56 minutes without firing a single bullet. Feels great and terrible at the same time. I used Hina plus crossbow in case you were wondering.

same. I also use big bullet for 1 shot


Incredible game! I played for an hour without seeing the time go by!

Trying this, but the Y axis on the controller is reversed, which makes it pretty much impossible. Is there an option somewhere to change this?

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Uh... Is this a knock off?

i mean is 5 minutes til dawn a knock off of this game?


ye, and they even have ads. They are ripping off  the hard work of indie game developers for a quick buck. Disgusting. They didn't even get the permission of  flanne, and they claim to have an experience similar to 20 minutes till dawn. Thus, they are not only ripping off the code, but the game experience itself.

love this!

Please male a mac m1 export. Just payed for the early access after playing 2 hours online and didn’t check for osx compatibility erg =/. With unity shouldn’t be too hard or I’m wrong =) ? Anyway thanks for this super addictive game and the beautiful art style.

i cant move

i can shoot and reload but not move


did you try moving

fun game i like it

Good Game

Btw this is my loudout, My loudout is all about burn and lifesteal its op in late game.

lol i forgot i got lvl 18 under 10 minutes

me too


Really good game

love this game so much, feel so exited to 100% it! And also I have a small question, will the new cursors/crosshairs variations be added?

7/10 great game, i have plenty of suggestions like you have the ability to buy things that spawn on the map, like heath speed extra damage, i only mention this because if you buy everything the game gets stale, besides that it is really fun, great art, unique playing and so much more. good game

yeah. everything is a one-time use, and I think that maybe every 2 upgrades or something, a shop shows up and you can use your red stuff to buy items

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I do crossbow with reaper rounds, splinter, big shot, power shot, fan fire, double shot, the final upgrade of that, holy shield, frost mage, and some other stuff. it is pretty op

Will the full version have Linux support at some point in the future?


It’s unnecessary workload for an indie developer sometimes, we have to accept it. It runs very well on my machine through Steam Play.

This game is very good. But it's hard to know what you're doing at first since too many enemies spawn and cramped together and I didn't know that they drop something. Also is there a way to heal? and does the tree drop something when you kill it?


you can only heal through abilities that give u some type of healing effect. As for the trees idk tbh.


Healing is hard because gameplay is 10min. I swear its worth messing with the builds and trying to minmax.


NO juust get the Soothing Warmth from the pryo mage path with flame cannon splinter OP

Don't forget plenty of fire rate upgrades, and you don't even need to worry about bullet damage, since that's not the focus


trees are invincible

I just spent half of my playing time trying to kill a tree

too bad that you didn't see this earlier

well you can kill them, they just have an absurd amount of health the highest in the game, but if you use frost bite you may be able to kill them since that takes a precent of the health off.

There is a ability when you inflict burn, you have 0.5% chance to heal 1 HP. If you have a great rate of fire with burn damage, this is basically vampiric damage and you become almost invincible.

I was able to destroy a tree and it doesn't drop anything. Very sad :(

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